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flex football advantage
line play
Tackle football games are won and lost in the trenches. Despite this reality, offseason training options have typically provided linemen with few opportunities to develop the higher-level skills involved in offensive or defensive line play. Flex Football turns that paradigm on its head. By incorporating offensive and defensive line play, Flex Football enables players to learn the critical skills of body positioning, leverage and proper hand placement and use. Offensive lineman will get repetitions with run, pass and pull blocking. Defensive linemen will have the opportunity to fine tune their run stopping and pass rushing skills. Flex Football rules allow offensive and defensive lineman to build their athleticism, while minimize concussive contact, by encouraging the use of skill and speed techniques over brute strength.
Whether it is run/pass blocking, lead blocking, pull blocking, stalk blocking or blocking downfield, the art of blocking is the essential skill needed for multiple offensive players on every down. Whatever the blocking scheme may be, the best in the game excel through the use of proper body positioning, leverage and controlling the defender with precise hand placement. The best blockers keep control of their bodies and don’t need to lead with their heads. Flex Football gives you the opportunity to teach the fundamentals and best practices for blocking all while keeping athletes heads out of harm’s way.
The science of coaching tackling within football has evolved in recent years. With the emphasis on keeping head contact to a minimum, the best coaches around the country are teaching tackling techniques using the terminology “Heads Up” tackling. Defensive players are taught to approach the ball carrier under control, with good balance and leverage, and with their heads safely out of contact with the ball carrier. Flex Football (with “tackling” via two hand touch and flag grab) requires defensive players to use the same movements as they engage the ball carrier. This, in turn, will help build muscle memory intended to carry over to tackle football.
The best defenders in the game make their tackles well before contact ever occurs. For them, the battle is won or lost in proper angles of pursuit, breaking down and remaining under control as they approach the ball carrier, and positioning themselves to go in for the perfect form tackle (keeping the head clear of contact). The days when players were taught to “put their head on the ball” and hope to walk away from the collision are a thing of the past. Flex Football, with its focus on teaching the fundamentals of tackling and limiting contact, provides players with the ideal environment within which to learn the step by step process of pursuit and preparing to tackle the opposing player. Players will learn how to start the tackling process safely with skills that are designed to carry over to tackle football.
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